The Rusty and Fanny Puppet Show
Puppet variety show created by Russell Welch and Tiff Lamson while quarantined during the pandemic. Season 1.
Pilot. Granny wants to know what the kids like. Matt Rhodey has a feel good segment. Cajun weather update. Kid's Sock makes the charts. Fanny plays her first live show.
Rusty has an existential crisis. Drums lessons with Fanny. Health update with Dr. Sick. Music with friends from afar. Exercise PSA with Nathan Lambertson.
Music with friends from Holland. Rusty gets a quarantine dog and Fanny is not happy. Fanny's sister Tammy get a recording contract at Snailed It Studios.
Randy takes over the show while Rusty and Fanny are on vacation. Yes, it's basically a best of show already. C'mon we were on a time limit, you try doing puppets every week. Russell's adventures in the French Quarter. Clowning with Dr. Sick.
The show has some interesting commercials. Wash your hands video from Spence. Joy of painting with Fanny. Granny has too many kids.
Fanny shows you her garden. Nature time with Hank West. Rusty and Fanny have a new cat. Dance party with Rusty.